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Special Delivery

A woman in Kalamazoo, Michigan recently gave birth in the parking lot of a brewery.  Her husband was rushing her to the hospital, but they didn’t quite make it and had to pull over.  They named their new son Forrest WELLS Baker . . . “Wells” because the brewery is called One Well Brewing.  And now the owners of the place just returned the favor.  Their newest beer is called “Special…

The Chicago Marathon – One Block at a Time

Meanwhile, a Chicago man named Matt Brusich skipped the marathon, and raised money for charity by running 79 laps around his own block.  (???)  It was actually 79.38 blocks.  He measured it out, so it was exactly 26.2 miles. He called it the Homegrown Marathon and did it to raise money for his local homeless shelter.  He finished in just under 5 hours and 52 minutes, and raised over $11,000.

$14,000 Fundraiser for Local Veterans

Mort’s Pub in La Salle raised a record-breaking $14,000 for the Illinois Veterans Home in La Salle during its annual golf fundraiser. Mort’s presented the check Thursday to Bailie Bongartz, director of volunteer service. Bongartz said the funds will be used for Christmas gifts for the residents and to sponsor monthly bingo.