Bureau County board will rebid new law enforcement center

Studstill Media Photo PRINCETON – Bureau County’s board agreed to reject all bids on the new law enforcement center. At Tuesday night’s meeting, Architect Henry Pitner explained that eight companies who bid on the jail project we’re

Streator council discusses marijuana sales tax

  STREATOR – Streator’s council discussed whether to act on a city sales tax for marijuana on Tuesday. According to City Manager David Plyman, the city just recently received a memo letter from legal council on the matter.

Pet of the Week – Maizy

Meet Maizy! 6year old pit mix around 35lbs of love! She is a medium to low energy sweet heart that keeps a clean kennel and is non reactive to dogs around her. Come meet this sweet girl

Brawl Breaks Out Over Bed Sides

Do you have a specific side of the bed you sleep on?  Well I guess one person in this couple didn’t realize that they had assigned sides of the bed.  They were staying at a motel and

Toys Both Parents and Kids Play With

This survey asked parents what are some of the toys they played with as kids that their own children also play with.  So what toys have been able to survive generations of time?  Here are the ones

Sweden With the Outrageous Story of the Day

I’ll just say it for everyone…  NOPE!!!  Everyone is trying to find a way to fight climate change.  This is one that we should just throw out, not even consider for half of a second.  Scientists in

Smell Those Lemons

Just about everyone wants to feel a little slimmer than they might be.  The hard part?  Eating right, drinking water, showing up to the gym multiple times a week.  Well now you can feel slimmer without actually

Naps are Good!

Finally one of those studies I can get behind!  I’m always tired, a lot of it is self inflicted.  I’ve always been a night owl, never a morning person.  My sleep schedule makes an afternoon nap essential

LaSalle City Council Debates Food Trucks

LASALLE – LaSalle City Council discussed possible amendments to the city’s mobile food vendor ordinance. Although what the city discussed is not final, the council members did agree that food trucks would have to purchase an annual

Board Declares Suicide Awareness Week

OTTAWA – LaSalle County Board passed a resolution that declared October 6th through 12th Suicide Awareness Week at their board meeting on Monday. Attorney Alexis Ferracuti spoke to the board about the upcoming Out of the Darkness