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2019 worst year for corn and soybean production

By: Make it Kenya

SPRINGFIELD – 2019 is said to be the worst year for corn and soybeans in over 5 years. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s final crop yield numbers, corn and soybean production hasn’t been this low since 2012 and 2013 respectively. Corn and soybean production dropped 18.6 percent and 20.4 percent. This past season farmers harvested over 1.8 bushels of corn, down more than 2.2 billion bushels, harvested last season. Soybean fell from 666 million bushels to just over 532 million. LaSalle County Farm Bureau President David Isermann says the low production is all thanks to bad weather during planting and growing season, but farmers are more prepped for the next season.

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