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Firefighters treat elderly man with heat stroke, finish mowing his lawn for him afterwards

Your “Daily Dose of Uplift” for October 19th:
Prince Pinkney was doing yard work with his wife in front of their Fort Lauderdale home when he started to feel sick and his leg, which never fully recovered from a stroke, gave out. A passerby noticed Pinkney struggle and called Fort Lauderdale Fire and Rescue.
The medics arrived, examined Pinkney, who was in stable condition, and then came up with a quick plan.
“I think we can cut their lawn while we’re doing this,” Lt. Matthew Wells said.
It wasn’t much of a discussion,” said another medic.
So the medics got to work and finished up the Pinkney’s yard work while Prince regained composure in the company of his wife. The couple ordinarily pay someone to mow their lawn, but that person was out of town.
“Their story is amazing in itself,” Capt. Terry Maylor said. “Their age, what they’ve gone through, his history as a veteran serving this country. If that doesn’t move you to go ahead and do what you’re capable of, then nothing will.”
Check out the full article on Sunny Skyz!

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