SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Public Health announced updated consumption advisories for fish caught in Illinois waters. These changes are the result of continued sampling by the Illinois Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program. This year, the IDPH has issued seven new site-specific methylmercury advisories and added Dongola Lake, Dutchman Lake, Lake Nellie, and White Hall City Lake to the list of waters with
site-specific methylmercury advisories. In line with the statewide trend of declining polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) levels, no new PCB advisories were issued. A statewide methylmercury advisory remains in place for all Illinois waters, including the Illinois and Fox Rivers. The statewide advisory cautions sensitive populations to eat no more than one meal per week of predatory fish, unless more restrictive site-specific advisories are in place due to elevated methylmercury levels. Predatory fish include all species of black bass, gar, salmon, and trout, as well as striped bass, white bass, walleye, sauger, flathead catfish, muskellunge, northern pike, and associated hybrids.
See all advisories at their website
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