Shania Twain Wants to Collaborate with Megan Thee Stallion

Shania Twain was introduced by Megan Thee Stallion at the “CMT Music Awards”, and they really hit it off at the show.  Shania hasn’t done a lot of collaborating in her career, but she said she’d like to work with Megan.

Giant red spoon stolen from ice cream shop

PHOENIX, AZ — Over the weekend a 15-foot red spoon was recently stolen from a Dairy Queen in Phoenix.  Security camera footage shows two people unscrewed the spoon from it’s base and left on what appeared to be

Who is the king of pizza crust?

Which pizza crust is the best, here’s a rundown. Chicago deep dish has a high edge to the pizza and is filled with chunky tomato sauce and cheese, along with different meat toppings.  New York Pizza is

LP Lady Cavs Softball competes in Myrtle Beach

MYRTLE BEACH, SC — The LP Lady Cavs Varsity and JV teams traveled to Myrtle Beach to compete over spring break in the Myrtle Beach Ripken Experience.  Yesterday the varsity team took on the Cardinal O’Hara from Pennsylvania

LP Marching Cavaliers march down Main Street USA

LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL — The LP Marching Cavaliers are spending their spring break at Walt Disney World enjoying the parks, partaking in workshops, and marching down Main Street USA as part of Disney’s Magic Music Days program.