Full rainbow appears south of Ottawa

Just before sunset Monday, the sunshine and a rain shower combined to make a full rainbow between Ottawa and Streator, along Route 23.
Full rainbow appears south of Ottawa

Just before sunset Monday, the sunshine and a rain shower combined to make a full rainbow between Ottawa and Streator, along Route 23.
La Salle police alert residents of vehicle burglaries, especially Kias

The La Salle Police Department received multiple reports of vehicles being burglarized, stolen or attempted to be stolen in the past week.
La Salle police alert residents of vehicle burglaries, especially Kias

The La Salle Police Department received multiple reports of vehicles being burglarized, stolen or attempted to be stolen in the past week.
Pioneer Struggles: Preserving history through local DAR and SAR chapters

During my research, I have confirmed my wife’s sixth great grandfather served with the 1st New Hampshire Militia at Bunker Hill and my fifth great grandfather served with the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment at Valley Forge.
Pioneer Struggles: Preserving history through local DAR and SAR chapters

During my research, I have confirmed my wife’s sixth great grandfather served with the 1st New Hampshire Militia at Bunker Hill and my fifth great grandfather served with the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment at Valley Forge.
2023 Marquette Academy homecoming court named

The 2023 Marquette Academy homecoming court in Ottawa was announced and the school celebrated its homecoming the week of Sept. 11.
2023 Marquette Academy homecoming court named

The 2023 Marquette Academy homecoming court in Ottawa was announced and the school celebrated its homecoming the week of Sept. 11.
IVCC Ag Field Day introduces drone technology

Illinois Valley Community College’s Agriculture Field Day gives students a chance to field test what they learn in the classroom and to discover careers in the industry.
A Girl’s Best Friend

A two-year-old girl in northern Michigan went missing Wednesday night after she wandered off into the woods with her family’s dog. But she’s okay after someone found her five hours later near a trail three miles away. The